First 50 (5k/10k) sign-ups receive extra bonus!
Discounted Pricing for Early Registration before July 31st
$40 for 5k and 10k, $25 for Kids 1k
Price increases August 1st!
August 1 – September 10th: $50 for 5k and 10k, $25 for Kids 1k
Entry Fee includes race t-shirt (only if registered by August 31st), post race snacks, and one (1) ticket (for 5k and 10k participants only) to raffle drawing and entry into the race.
*Late Registration:
September 11th – September 14th: $55 after September 11th. No late fee for kids 1k
*Race Day Registration:
September 15th Race Day: $65 for 5k and 10k, $30 for kids 1k
*No t-shirts available for registration after September 11th.
Registration now open!
Or register in-person at:
Footloose Sports, located in Mammoth Lakes
3043 Main Street, corner of Main Street and Old Mammoth Rd.